sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2010

Gertrude Stein

Um dos poucos livros que conheço que atreve-se a vir com uma folha de errata é o Poesia da Recusa, do Augusto de Campos, onde ele traduz poemas de kuhlmann, mallarmé, akhmátova, pasternak, mandelstam, tzvietáieva, dylan thomas, outros e esta maravilha da Gertrude Stein. A edição é bilíngue, como deve ser, e caprichadíssima, como é melhor que seja.

Portrait of one

Harry Phelan Gibb

Some one in knowing everything is knowing that some one is something. Some one is something and is succeding is succeding in hoping that thing. He is suffering.
He is succeding in hoping and he is succeding in saying that that is something. He is suffering, he is suffering and succeding in hoping that in succeding in saying that he is succeding in hoping is something.
He is suffering, he is hoping, he is succeding in saying that anything is something. He is suffering, he is hoping, he is succeding in saying that something is something. He is hopping that he is succeding in hoping that something is something. He is hoping that he is succeding in saying that he is succeding in hoping that something is something. He is hoping that he is succeding in saying that something is something.

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