Não conheço nenhum livro dele editado em português, embora Like People in History e The Book of Lies estejam acima de 99 por cento da literatura gay publicada no Brasil.
Este poema é dele, embora ele não seja conhecido como poeta, e consta do Penguin Book of Homosexual verse, esgotadíssimo.
The Heart Has Its Reasons
Not because you didn't call.
I almost expected that.
Not because we set a date
you just couldn't make-
whatever your reasons.
Not because you never arrived,
never left a number to reach you.
For all I know you were hit by a car;
mowed down in some neighborhood war.
Not because the night I had planned
never got off the ground
never mind reach the heights.
We didn't have that much in common
except a good fit -
if you still can remember that fondly, that far.
No, not because you stopped a trip
never gave me the chance to decide
whether or not I'd take the ride,
whether I'd take the risk of true love or illusion.
But simple because
I straightened all day.
Washed all the glasses
changed pillows and sheets
cleaned out the closets
even laundered the drapes.
Did everything that was needed
if a guest like you was coming.
Did, in short, what could wait,
For that I could never forgive you.
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