sábado, 15 de junho de 2013

Paolo Nutini

Um cara escocês, lançou dois CDs ótimos, é boa pinta, tem um vozeirão, mas não engrenou...que coisa, a gente fica se perguntando o que determina, de verdade, o sucesso. Algumas pessoas têm tudo mas não vão....será o caso dele?
Cso vcs queiram saber, os dois Cds são o These Streets (minha música favorita por uns dois anos) e Sunny Side Up. Não sei se foram lançados por aqui...

Letra de Still Crazy (não consigo postar o vídeo, e esta música não está em nenhum dos dois Cds acima).

Shut me out completely, 
That would not be such a sin.
Lock up every entry, 
Make sure that there's no way for me to get in
Won't try to pry them open, 
Never mind knock upon your doors.
Truth is that there's no reason for me to even see your face anymore.

But I need you ears and I need them now I've got something to say, 
I'm not here today to win you back just to remind you that.

Sure as the rain starts to fall, 
Yes I'll always remember you dear.
And though we don't talk anymore. 
I was crazy for you; yes I was crazy for you, that's for sure. 

Nothings ever easy, I think we both know that it's true.
I was convinced you loved me, and I was pretty sure that I loved you too, 
When was our final moment whats your favourite might have beens. 
When was my fatal error that changed the way you thought of me ever since. 

Cos I made you smile and I made you laugh, i made nice gestures and surprised you enough?
But I made you come, but I made you cry, 
I wish this was true but I'm not gonna lie. 

So sure as the rain starts to fall, 
Yes I'll always remember you close
And though we don't touch anymore. 
I was crazy for you; I'm still crazy for you, that's for sure. 
Still crazy for you, still crazy for you, still crazy for you

Vídeo de These Streets: (a letra está aí mesmo).

Depois me digam se gostaram...

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